Looking at underdone cookies makes about every baker disappointed. That moment when you lot put your easily, ready to taste that pretty little cookie you lot have spent then much effort making and the fourth dimension waited to cool it only to realize information technology's underbaked, is indescribable.

Today I volition be sharing tips with you how to save these under baked cookies and salvage whatever effort you accept put in! A word of alert is that the texture of the cookie might exist slightly dissimilar. From my experience while testing the cookie time for the cookie recipes I develop, I noticed that the taste is more or less similar, if not the same. The texture will be slightly drier all the same, due to the increased corporeality of time available for water evaporation out of the cookie dough. That'southward perfectly fine for me nevertheless, because I love crunchy cookies.

Another notation is that the extra time and temperature when you re-bake your cookies once more by placing it dorsum in the oven will vary from recipe to recipe and I tin only give you a general guideline. This is especially then when there's different extents to which your cookie is possibly under baked or underdone.

An important disclaimer volition be that since I do not accept feel in trying out every unmarried recipe, try the method I propose for your under broiled or underdone cookies but considering yous desire to attempt a final resort to salve all the efforts you have placed in.

I am going out on a limb against popular opinions by saying, Yep, it'southward okay to place your nether broiled or underdone cookies back into the oven for a second bake . Only hither's the condition: you would need to accommodate the baking time and temperature.

I have done it before multiple times and I strongly advocate it's possibility to save these underdone cookies. My motivation stems from my desire to prevent and minimize nutrient wastage in the kitchen. Wastage in the kitchen can severely impact the environment besides, indirectly. A small digression here, if you would like to know well-nigh simple and easy ways I implement to make my kitchen more environmentally friendly, you can read this other baking tip I accept written hither: Baking Tip: Easy Ways to be Environmentally Friendly as a Baker

Here are some general guidelines that I have tried with 160 degrees C, 170 degrees C and 180 degrees C.

In all scenarios, continue a constant scout for the doneness of your cookies ( not likewise brownish etc, signs of overcooked or burnt cookies should be constantly looked out for ). You might also want to rotate your trays.

Scenario i: 160 degrees C
My cookies was underdone / under baked after a broil for about seven-8 minutes.

To save these cookies, I let them completely cool, and and so bake them again in 160 degrees C for nearly 5 minutes, and then leave it in the oven after I turn it off. The remaining trapped heat in the oven volition continue to cook the cookies.

Scenario 2: 170 degrees C
My cookies were underdone afterward a bake of 7 minutes.

To save these cookies, I did what I did to save the 160 degrees C, also letting them completely cool and so baking them in 160 degrees C for nigh five minutes. Plough the oven off, allow the trapped rut melt the cookies.

Scenario three: 180 degrees C
My cookies were underdone afterwards a bake of 7 minutes.

To save these cookies, I permit them completely absurd commencement. Then keep baking them at 180 degrees C for five minutes. Afterwards which, plow off the oven, and again go out them in and let the trapped estrus continue cooking them.

Do note that other factors volition impact your bake time as well, such equally size of the cookie batter used and the ability of your oven. Alongside, although the ingredients of your cookie will also affect it slightly.

The best way to tell and atomic number 26 down all these variables will be to diligently check constantly for signs of well done cookies, such equally browning effectually the edges or the cookies being nicely golden brown. Yes, information technology will exist tiring and requires extra effort. But when you taste success, pun intended, you will not regret it!

If your eggs come from a dubious source or have the possibility of introducing diseases such as salmonella, or if yous are uncomfortable with the possibility of eating raw eggs please practice not fifty-fifty attempt to sample the cookies. In such cases, yous would take to just throw abroad these cookies unfortunately for the greater good of your health, for the sake of food hygiene. There's really no incentive to accept the risk of ending up in the emergency room for a batch of well done cookies.

Do endeavour these methods out with the notes I have included and allow me know if you are able to accomplish success besides! Do include other recommendations for me too if you feel that this article isn't comprehensive or if you exercise non hold with the commodity.

Promise it helps,
– Bakeomaniac, Javier Tan!